Recibidas : Estas son todas las innovaciones que Team for the Planet ha recibido a través de su formulario de presentación de innovaciones

Virtual Workspaces and Art galleries for worldwide collaboration and cultural promotion

Lever of action
Energy efficiency
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Submission date 21 de abril de 2023 Founders Kevyn WAHUZUE Development location Noumea, Nueva Caledonia

Detailed project

NB: this form is filled entirely by the ones submitting the innovation.

What is the issue addressed?

One of our main need in South Pacific region is to connect all those isolated entrepreneurs, students and artists due to the geographical barrier. Traveling as an impact on environment and the cost create social inequality for collaboration, education and cultural promotion.

How is the problem solved?

NEMO DAO addresses South Pacific region's isolation challenges by offering virtual workspaces, art galleries, and classrooms on the blockchain. This approach reduces travel costs, environmental impact, and promotes social inclusion, collaboration, and cultural exchange.

What is the customer target?

The innovation targets South Pacific artists, entrepreneurs, and students as potential clients, aiming to empower them through accessible, eco-friendly virtual platforms for collaboration, cultural exchange, and education.

How is this solution different?

NEMO DAO differentiates itself with its regional focus, comprehensive ecosystem, decentralized governance, environmental consciousness, and commitment to preserving South Pacific culture.